Literature in the Mobile Gaming Environment

Solid read with solid points

Daydreams that build Worlds

So on Monday, I gave a short 5 minute sprint talk at the Digital Humanities conference held by AUB. It was an amazing experience, with Ray Siemens  and Lynn Siemens (Victoria), Sebastian Gunther (Goettingen), Caren Kaplan (UC Davis), the Provost Ahmad Dallal, President Peter Dorman of AUB, Chairman David Wrisley of the English Department, as well as many other AUB teachers, staff and students present. I began the talk with a “Hi! My name is Sagger Khraishi, and I am a game designer.” As I looked at the people present, I smiled and then said, “Well, when I tell people that, the usual reply is, ‘Cool! So are you a computer science major? CMPS?’ ” and then I would reply back with, “No, I am an English Major.”

With some laughs happening there, really did ease the tension, I brought up the context of my discussion, talking about how with…

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About optimistthepessimist

Always in transit.
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